Feb 25, 2013
Mahout training in northern Thailand
January 7. Day 23. I woke up early and wandered my way to the travel agency where Eddy was scheduled to pick me up. After doing a lot of research, I found vast differences between the elephant camps that...
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Feb 7, 2013
10 Easy tips to help you pack for long term travel
So now that you’ve decided that you want to travel for an extended period of time (could be 1 month; could be 1 year), it’s time to get ready for departure. You’ve already followed a...
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Feb 7, 2013
How to get a visa for India while in Chiang Mai
First things first. The requirements listed here HAVE to be followed in order to get your visa for India while in Chiang Mai. If you show up without these items or without starting the process online,...
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Jan 24, 2013
Bangkok. Where not wearing underwear can land you in jail.
January 1. Day 17. 2013!! Happy New Year everyone! First things first. I may or may not have worn underwear (a gentleman never tells) while in Thailand, but I certainly didn’t do any jail time. Now...
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Jan 22, 2013
Yoga, Meditation, and Monkey Thievery
December 28. Day 13. Party day. As in THE Full Moon Party on Haad Rin Beach. However, after several nights of partying – especially my encounter with Thai Methamphetamines – I decided it was...
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Jan 11, 2013
Thai Methamphetamines and Hot Pan BBQ
December 21. Day 6. I wandered around town most of the afternoon checking out the temples and as the sun began to set, decided to duck into a little chill bar just inside the eastern wall for a bite to...
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Jan 3, 2013
Spending time in Chiang Mai
December 19. Day 4. I arrived in Chiang Mai early in the morning (the train was late – as I’ve come to learn most train arrivals are in Thailand) and decided to wave off the barrage of taxis...
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Dec 27, 2012
The start of my adventure
December 16. Day 1. The flight from Cincinnati to Chicago went off without a hitch. My layover in Chicago was ~3.5 hours so I had plenty of time to get a bite to eat, stretch my legs, wander a bit, go...
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Nov 21, 2012
Staying connected while traveling
Wanna see where I am RIGHT NOW? Click Here. This will show my location for the past 7 days. If you don’t see any location information, that means I haven’t used the device in 7 days. During...
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Nov 20, 2012
Getting the cheapest airline ticket
Since my travel planning began a few months ago (quit my job, sold nearly everything I owned, rented my house, and found my way to south east asia without breaking the bank), I’ve learned a TON of...
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Nov 13, 2012
Elephant love
During my upcoming trip to Thailand, I will be volunteering for 3 days at an elephant camp about an hour north of Chiang Mai. During my stay there, I will be trained as a “mahout” and will be...
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Nov 12, 2012
Travel the world
The most IRRESPONSIBLE (and best) thing I’ve ever done… Related Reading: Share this:DiggPocketShare on Tumblr Pin ItEmailPrintLike this:Like...
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